Abundant information in the literature suggests that the constant and effective
implementation of formulated human resource management (HRM) policies and strategies affects how employees’ appreciate the alignment of their personal goals and fit with the organization, and the extent to which the organization regard or respects the agreed terms of employment whether expressly stated or implied. (Mayer et al., 1995; Ross and La Croix, 1996; Dietz and Den Hartog, 2006; Searle et al., 2011b; Whitener, 2001). This objective of this paper is to appraise the training/ development strategies, recruitment strategies, performance appraisal and rewards strategies of Access Bank Plc. The game plan is to access the impact of these strategies on productivity (among other objectives), and to see if there are alternative approach to any of these. The role ofinternal and external factors (globalization, political-economic and organizational structure dimension) on the above mentioned strategies will also be appraised. Conclusions and recommendations on alternative approaches, solutions or strategies to follow (if any) will be thoroughly discussed and a clearer image of the “cause-and-effect” relationship of these strategies (approaches) and increased productivity will be drawn.

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